For parents and children

Are you and your child interested in taking part in studies at the IDeA Centre? Here you can find all the information you need.

Various studies on the subject of “How do children learn?” are being conducted at the IDeA Centre. We are always happy to get to know children who would like to take part in our scientific studies.

The research results obtained help us to develop schools and teaching lessons to the individual needs of children and thus increase their educational success.

Most of our studies take place at the IDeA Centre in the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education building on the Westend Campus in Frankfurt. Occasionally, we also offer online studies that only require a computer with an internet connection.

How to participate: To register, please call us at 069-24708-878 or write an email to:

If you register in our participant database, we will contact you when a research project is planned that may be of interest to you and your family. It is up to you to to decide whether you want to participate.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

What does it look like here?

To give you, and especially the children, an insight into how we work, we have produced a short film that you can watch here:

What are the benefits of participation for me and my child?

We have conducted many studies and have found that children enjoy participating. The studies are designed to be child-friendly and give children the opportunity to experience science at first hand.

What about ethics and data protection?

All studies we invite you to participate in have been reviewed with regard to ethics and data protection. Any information you provide will be treated with the absolute confidentiality. Only researchers at the IDeA Centre may use your contact details to invite you and your child to a study. And of course you can have your details deleted at any time. All information on data protection can be found here.

What are the conditions of participation?

Most studies are suitable to children between the ages of six and twelve. From time to time there are also research projects for older or younger children. We will only offer you studies that are relevant and suitable for your child.

Apart from age, there are no general conditions for participation. Requirements vary depending on the specific study.

Where do the on-site Studies take place?

Our studies take place at the IDeA Center, located in the DIPF building on the Westend Campus (corner of Miquel-/Hansaallee). The DIPF is easy to reach by public transport and parking is also available. If needed, we will be happy to provide detailed directions and further information.

The IDeA Center has its own child-friendly facilities equipped for various types of studies. For example, some studies involve tracking children’s eye movements (eye-tracking) or brain activity is measured using EEG. Additionally, there are also some studies that are conducted online.

How Can I Request Data Deletion?

If you have already provided your contact details and wish to have them deleted, please contact our database manager, Dr. Annett Wilde. You can send an email to or call her at +49 69-24708878.