For teachers and schools
Are you interested in taking part in a study with your class or school? Here, you’ll find all the information you need.
Various studies on the subject of “How do children learn?” are being conducted at the IDeA Centre. The research results obtained help us to develop schools and teaching lessons to the individual needs of children and thus increase their educational success.
Most of our studies take place at the IDeA Centre in the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education building on the Westend Campus in Frankfurt. Occasionally, we also offer online studies that only require a computer with an internet connection.
We also offer teachers and other educational practitioners interesting events and information about news from our research. You will receive this information regularly in our newsletter, which is published twice a year. If you are interested, please send us an email to:
What does it look like here?
Our short film gives you an insight into what our labs look like:
How is a study conducted?
To give you and especially the children an insight into how we work, we have produced a short film which you can watch here: