For teachers and schools

Are you interested in our research at the IDeA Center? Would you like to work with us? Here you will find all information about our offers for teachers.

Various studies on the subject of “How do children learn?” are being conducted at the IDeA Centre. Through our newsletter, lectures and publications, you can find out about the latest research on learning and schools and current research projects.

If you are interested in a longer-term cooperation that also includes participation in studies, please take a look at the campus school programme.


Campusschulen is a joint programme of the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and is supported by IDeA. The aim of the programme is to bring together stakeholders from educational research, school practice and teacher training and thus facilitate exchange, networking and cooperation. As part of the programme, your school also has the opportunity to take part in scientific studies conducted by the IDeA Centre. You can find more information at the website of the Campusschulprogramm.

Lecture series

We regularly organise lecture series for teachers and educational practitioners. The lectures are accredited for teachers and take place at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education on the Westend campus, Frankfurt. You can view the topics of past lecture series and information about the speakers here.


In our biannual newsletter you will receive regular information about news from our research and upcoming events. If you are interested, please send us an email to:


You can view a selection of our scientists’ publications on this page.

What does it look like here?

The IDeA Centre has its own child-friendly facilities at the DIPF on the Westend campus, which are equipped for various types of studies. In some studies, children’s eye movements are recorded here (eye tracking) or brain activity is measured using EEG. However, there are also studies that are carried out online. This short film will give you a first impression of what we do and what our facilities look like:

If you would like to visit our facilities, you can also bring your school class (from year 5) to visit us and see how we do research here. If you are interested, please send an email to:

How is a study conducted?

To give you and especially the children a first impression of how we work, we have produced a short film you can watch here: