Projekt AttentionGO

Adaptive Dynamics of Cognitive and Behavioral Variability in Children with ADHD Symptoms

In this research project developmental trajectories of children with and without ADHD symptoms will be examined by determing cognitive and emotional fluctuations, difficulties in self-regulation, and learning strategies.

The project AttentionGO investigates developmental trajectories of children between the age of 10 and 14 years. Children with symptoms of Attention-Deficit – Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often have difficulties to regulate their thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Those difficulties in self-regulation are linked to cognitive and emotional fluctuations.

In this research project it will be examined by means of ambulatory assessment methods when exactly these fluctuations occur and in which context. In addition, AttentionGO attempts to improve attention problems and learning strategies by implementing self-regulation interventions which have shown positive effects in previous studies. To this end, fluctuations in attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior will be compared to fluctuations in affect, in social interactions, in physical activity, and in brain activity. Furthermore, the effectiveness of a self-regulation and learning intervention will be tested.

Selected Publication

Bugl, P., Schmid, J., & Gawrilow, C. (2015). Ambulantes Assessment in der Schule: Den schulischen Alltag erfahrbar machen [Ambulatory assessment in school: Discovering daily school life]. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 4(4), 261268. doi:10.1026/0943-8149/a000136