Projekt elbe

Parental Counseling at Primary Schools

The project elbe addressed the cooperation of teachers and parents, focusing in particular on parental counseling.

It has been shown that the cooperation between teachers and parents has a positive influence on the development of school performance and behavior of children. Counseling interviews are considered an important starting point to create adaptive learning environments at home:  Strategies for supporting the child in the classroom and at home can be explored and agreed on cooperatively. Thus, a more intensive individual support can be established. The project elbe pursued three research questions:

  1. What is the current situation of parental counseling at primary schools?
  2. How can the counseling competence of (prospective) teachers be developed by professional development workshops?
  3. What impact do professional development workshops have on everyday school experience?

The findings of the project contributed to main aspects of the research area of teacher proficiency and cooperation of school and parental home.

Selected Publications

Djaković, S. (2014). Elterliche Beteiligung an schulischen Bildungsprozessen: Zur Bedeutung der schulischen Beratungssitution und der Wirkung von Professionalisierungsmaßnahmen für Lehrpersonen. Dissertation. Frankfurt am Main.

Hertel, S. (2011). Elternberatung an Grundschulen. Projekt „elbe“ – erste Ergebnisse und Implikationen. In Botte, G. (Hrsg.), Grundschulen und ‚ihre’ Eltern – innovative Kooperationskonzepte (S. 40-43). Offenbach am Main: Lernen vor Ort.

Hertel, S., Bruder, S., Jude, N., & Steinert, B. (2013). Elternberatung an Schulen im Sekundarbereich. Schulische Rahmenbedingungen, Beratungsangebote der Lehrkräfte und Nutzung von Beratung durch die Eltern. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Beiheft, 40–62.
