Project IPhaMat

Acceptance of the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Mathematics in the Different Phases of Teacher Education

The project IPhaMat examined how students of mathematics for primary schools, teachers in the preparatory service, and practising primary school teachers take up an innovative teaching approach to cooperative learning.

The analysis focused on the reconstruction of perspectives and implementation methods of people involved in the three phases of teacher education in their classrooms. Two different methods of data collection were used: group discussions and interviews. Using the Documentary Method of Interpretation by Bohnsack, orientation for action of a group documented in the respective practice can be reconstructed and typified. During the course of the project, we tried to determine a relevant typology in terms of the three groups of profession: students, teachers in the preparatory service, and practising primary school teachers. The experience gained will then be used in the professionalisation as part of teacher education and lead to appropriate measures of teacher training.

Selected Publication

Fellmann, A. (2014). Handlungsleitende Orientierungen und professionelle Entwicklung in der Lehrerbildung. Eine Studie zur Umsetzung eines innovativen Lehr-Lernformats im Mathematikunterricht der Klassen 1 bis 6. Münster: Waxmann.
