Project PaSS

Prevention at Schools: A Study on Individual Perceptions of Aggression Prevention

The project PaSS evaluates the social validity of school-based prevention programmes that aim to foster social skills and reduce aggressive behaviour.

Over the past few years, prevention programmes were increasingly used in primary schools. This could be due to several statements from educators, teachers as well as parents who perceived a rise of aggressive and hyperactive behaviour on children in kindergartens and schools. One of the aims of modern education plans is to foster social skills. In the context of our study we analyse how children, parents and teachers perceive the intentions of prevention programmes, what they consider as important and how they evaluate the methods of the programme. Furthermore, we are interested in the individual assessment of the use of prevention programmes in every day life. In addition, we are also interested in children’s development and the question if children with a varying degree in the experienced benefit differ from each other concerning the skills learned during the prevention programme. The long-term goal therefore is the age-based improvement of already existing prevention programmes including the perception of all participants.

Selected Publications

Graf, F. A., Grumm, M., Hein, S., & Fingerle, M. (in press). Improving parental competencies: Subjectively perceived usefulness of a parent training matters. Journal of Child and Family Studies.

Grumm, M., Hein, S., & Fingerle, M. (2012). Children’s subjective perceptions of an aggression prevention program. International Journal of Developmental Science, 6, 97-106.

Grumm, M., Hein, S., & Fingerle, M. (in press). Measuring acceptance of prevention programs in children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology.

Individual Development