This domain focuses on educators and teachers as the main actors in the educational system.
To the project browserSEM
The SEM project, funded within the framework of the BMBF funding guideline ‘Language Education in the Immigration Society’, aims to develop, test and research a concept for language support in pre-primary classes. The project includes subject-integrated language support in the development of mathematical precursor skills in conjunction with the promotion of emotional understanding and emotion regulation, as well as a language support related professionalisation programme for teachers working in pre-school classes.
The project SLICES examines, whether the thin slices technique can be used to efficiently study educational processes in very large samples, such as they are common in large scale assessments. The study focuses on the “constructive handling of student errors” in the classroom, an indicator of teaching and learning that is considered to be of particular importance for adaptive interactions with heterogeneous groups of learners.
The project Sprachförderprofis offers a joint training program for kindergarten and elementary school teachers. The teachers learn to plan language support settings in small groups based on current insights from linguistics and language acquisition.
The project SprachHabitus investigates how educators respond to language support programs and integrate them in their daily work especially in daycare centers with a large number of children with a migration background.
The project analyses the significance of stereotypes for the quality of support-related diagnostics in the inclusive school context and develops support formats that reduce their influence.
The TRIO project examines the effects of a joint professionalization of kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers in the field of language education.
The project ÜFA is a nationwide longitudinal survey about conditions of employment of professionals in early childhood education.
The project UfEBB focuses on the education of under-three-years-old and the unequal conditions for development.
The project uses different methodological approaches (experimental vignette studies, ambulatory assessment and behavioural observations) to investigate teachers’ reactions to student misbehaviour at school.