Project BAPAS
Attachment trauma in adopted and foster children: A Psychoanalytic Therapy Study
The BAPAS project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychoanalytic therapy programme for multi-complex traumatised adopted and foster children (aged eight to eleven) and their adoptive or foster parents. As part of the extended network of these children, their teachers will also be involved in the intervention.
The aim of the BAPAS project is to use a randomised waiting-group control design to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychoanalytic therapy programme for adopted and foster children (aged eight to eleven), supplemented by support from their caregivers. A significant proportion of these children are at increased risk of so-called multiple complex traumatisation due to multiple relationship breakdowns and early aversive experiences (van der Kolk, 2009). This results in a particular need for psychotherapeutic and educational support.
Although some services are available for adoptive and foster children, the effectiveness of psychoanalytic therapy for foster and adoptive children with multiple complex trauma has not been systematically investigated. There is also a lack of well-evaluated psychodynamic support programmes for adoptive and foster parents and teachers of adoptive and foster children. While the children receive manualised psychoanalytic child therapy, their adoptive or foster parents are offered parental support tailored to their specific needs. In addition, the school is involved as part of the extended network of these children through individual, needs-based counselling and training for teachers. The aim is to reduce the impact of trauma on the children’s development and participation in school.
Senior Scientist
Prof. Dr Patrick Meurs
Selected Publications
- Rickmeyer, C., Hettich, N., Lebiger-Vogel, J., Leuzinger-Bohleber, M., & Meurs, P. (2019). Was können wir aus frühen Präventionsansätzen für den Umgang mit Trauma in der Schule lernen? In J. Ziehm, B. Voet Cornelli, B. Menzel & M. Goßmann (Hrsg.), Schule migrationssensibel gestalten. Impulse für die Praxis (S. 92-115). Weinheim: Beltz.
- Vliegen, N., Tang, E., & Meurs, P. (2021). Bindungstraumatisierungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Leitfaden für Betreuungspersonen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.