Projekt DERET

German Spelling Test for the Fifth and Sixth School Year

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of errors in spelling, to allow different levels of analyses for a heterogeneous population of users.

The focus of the work conducted with the financial support of Hogrefe Publishers was the qualitative analysis of errors in addition to the quantitative analysis of errors. The intention was to provide different levels of analysis for a very large and heterogeneous population of users. To do so, the DERET 5-6+ offers two kinds of analyses of errors. The scale analysis, a traditional procedure to analyse errors according to categories of errors, for example, will help teachers to assess the curricular contents that pupils have mastered or not in the domain of spelling ability. Initial analyses of the reliability of categories of errors showed that this approach, propagated especially by linguists, is empirically supported.

Selected Publications

Martinez-Méndez, R., Schneider, M., & Hasselhorn, M. (2015). DERET 5-6+. Deutscher Rechtschreibtest für fünfte und sechste Klassen. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Schneider, M., Martinez Méndez, R., & Hasselhorn, M. (2014). R-FIT 5-6+. Fehleridentifikationstest – Rechtschreibung für fünfte und sechste Klassen [Identifying Errors Test for 5th- and 6th-Graders]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Individual Development