Project DiaS-K
Diagnostics of self-regulation in kindergarten age
The DiaS-K project will interview educators in kindergartens and doctors who carry out school entry examinations to find out what instruments for diagnosing self-regulation at kindergarten age need to look like so that they can be used in practice.
Self-regulation is the ability to adapt one’s actions to situational demands and rules and enables children, for example, to follow specific instructions or to work independently. Self-regulation is therefore important for school readiness. However, there are few instruments (such as tests or questionnaires) that can be used to measure self-regulation at preschool age.
In the DiaS-K project, educational professionals in kindergartens and doctors who carry out school entry examinations will be interviewed to find out which instruments are already in use and what new instruments for measuring self-regulation should look like so that they can be used. To this end, we will first conduct an online survey with a questionnaire and then in-depth qualitative interviews.