Evaluation of Classroom-Based Promotion of Quantity-Number Competencies and Self-Regulation
The project NUMBERS investigates two trainings for classroom-based promotion of early quantity-number competencies and self-regulation in classes with a high percentage of immigrant students.
Immigrant students reach significantly lower academic achievements in the German school system than their peers without migration background. Possible reasons for this may be the different preconditions children start their schooling with. Children with poor achievements in mathematics often have deficiencies in the early quantity-number competencies. Thus, it seems desirable to foster basic mathematical knowledge at the beginning of primary school. Since studies on self-regulated learning have shown that the transfer of domain-specific skills to new tasks is particularly successful when self-regulatory strategies are trained additionally, these two approaches are combined in the project NUMBERS. The study aims at investigating to which extent children with and without immigrant background benefit from the training. Additionally, the influence of the order of the approaches (self-regulatory strategies plus math-specific basic skills vs. basic math skills plus self-regulatory strategies) is examined concerning the improvement of mathematics achievement and learning behavior.
Selected Publication
Völker, S., Otto, B., Fauth, B., Krajewski, K., & Büttner, G. (2014). Effekte einer kombinierten Förderung mathematischer Basiskompetenzen und selbstregulierten Lernens bei Risikokindern im Anfangsunterricht. Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung, 7, 76-99.