Project SchuWaMi

School Change in the Migration Society - School Culture(s) in the Context of Current Refugee Migration

The SchuWaMi project investigates how schools in Germany have reacted to the increased admission of refugee children and young people, which institutional change processes have taken place and are still taking place in this context, and to what extent and how schools succeed in promoting the social participation of children and young people with refugee experience.

In recent years, German schools have received a large number of refugee children and young people. Schools have responded in different ways and continue to deal with this pedagogical, organisational and didactic challenge in different ways. These different school approaches form the starting point of the study. We assume that, in the context of the current immigration situation, schools are particularly committed to school development processes aimed at improving the academic success and integration of refugee pupils.

Research on the issue of school and social participation of pupils with a migration background usually focuses on the learning and development of individuals, but not on the learning and development opportunities of institutions. The project Schulischer Wandel in der Migrationsgesellschaft (SchuWaMi) focuses on the role of school cultures and their institutional preconditions. School cultures shape the integration of children and young people with a refugee background, but they are not static and can change as a result of the admission of children. At the same time, SchuWaMi analyses the effects on the social and academic participation of refugee pupils in an interdisciplinary, longitudinal and mixed-methods design.