Project ÜFA
Transition from the Educational System to the Labor Market of Professionals in Early Childhood Education
The project ÜFA is a nationwide longitudinal survey about conditions of employment of professionals in early childhood education.
The training system for professionals in early childhood education has changed considerably in recent years. On the one hand, there is an increasing demand regarding early childhood education and care. On the other hand, a new level of professionalisation has been added to the system of training by establishing a university-based course for the qualification of early childhood educators. At the same time, the labour market in the field of early childhood education and care seems to be particularly insecure for young people who are newly entering the profession. At present, only a few studies about conditions of employment of professionals in early childhood education exist, which indicate that conditions are increasingly insecure and that especially job starters are affected.
The project is a nationwide longitudinal survey with two waves. The first interview took place at the end of the professionalisation period (spring 2012). The second interview is scheduled to take place 1 ½ years after graduation at the beginning of career entry (autumn 2013). The study is designed as a standardised web survey. In addition, paper-and-pencil questionnaires are offered.
The main issues investigated in the project ÜFA are:
- Career entry of professionals in early childhood education
- In which fields of work are they employed and how are the conditions of employment?
- What is the impact of qualification profiles on the one hand and regional labour markets on the other?