Project UPWIND

Understanding and Improving Daily Cognitive and Affective Within-Child Dynamics in the School Context

The project UPWIND investigates associations of affective, motivational, and cognitive processes in students. It specifically targets differences between children that can inform easily implemented interventions that can be tailored to individual students.

In this project we investigate predictors of short-term fluctuations in cognitive performance, as well as emotional well-being and social experiences in students. Building on the results of an earlier project (FLUX), we target physical activity and sleep, among other variables such as nutrition, daily events, and motivation. We further investigate differences in the effects of these variables between children: Which children profit more from, for example, physical activity before working on cognitive tasks? Which children profit more from longer sleep duration? How can we identify these children? And do these children profit more from interventions specifically targeting this behavior?

We approach these questions by applying ambulatory assessment in children’s everyday (school) life. In the first phase, we will lay down the methodological conditions necessary to approach these questions and identify the most promising predictor variables. Building on this work, we want to develop and evaluate person-centered interventions in the second phase.