Project ViolAA
Teachers' reactions to misbehaviour at school
The project uses different methodological approaches (experimental vignette studies, ambulatory assessment and behavioural observations) to investigate teachers’ reactions to student misbehaviour at school.
The ViolAA project investigates teachers’ reactions to student misbehaviour at school. We are particularly interested in how teachers perceive different types of misbehaviour and whether this is influenced by the characteristics of the misbehaving child.
The project will use a variety of methods. In a series of experimental vignette studies, we will investigate whether the gender and cultural background of a child who transgresses affects the (hypothetical) reactions of teachers.
In addition, the project will test the suitability of ambulatory assessment methods for gaining everyday access to teachers and their responses to misbehaviour in school. Finally, ecologically valid data will be obtained from behavioural observations in order to classify the findings from the other two methodological approaches.