Individual Development
This domain investigates the foundations of learning and development including cognitive and social risk factors.
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The project ADHD studied various aspects of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and self-regulation.

We investigated intelligent methods to predict hyperactivity in children using accelerometer data. We considered the classification of recorded time-series as well as segmentation tasks.

The AHKi project aims to investigate which early temperamental characteristics and cognitive abilities can be used to identify which children are at risk of developing ADHD symptoms.

ADHS geht häufig mit einem geringeren emotionalen Wohlbefinden und Schulschwierigkeiten einher. Da ADHS als Entwicklungsstörung auch mit Defiziten in den exekutiven Funktionen in Zusammenhang gebracht wird, hat sich gezeigt, dass Lernende mit ADHS von Selbstregulationstrainings besonders profitieren. Im Projekt AMSel führen wir aktuell eine Meta-Analyse durch, um die Wirksamkeit von Selbstregulationstraining für Lernende mit ADHS umfassend zu untersuchen.

The project ANNA focused on precursor skills that are central to the learning of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

In this research project developmental trajectories of children with and without ADHD symptoms will be examined by determing cognitive and emotional fluctuations, difficulties in self-regulation, and learning strategies.

The BAPAS project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychoanalytic therapy programme for multi-complex traumatised adopted and foster children (aged eight to eleven) and their adoptive or foster parents. As part of the extended network of these children, their teachers will also be involved in the intervention.

The project BÄRENstark! investigated the cognitive causes of learning difficulties in basic scholastic competencies such as reading, spelling, and calculating.

The project cammino examines the verbal skills of multilingual children and their speech development.

„Cool and Safe“ is a web-based program for the prevention of child sexual abuse. At Goethe University Frankfurt, its efficacy and acceptance by elementary school children was assessed.