Individual Development
This domain investigates the foundations of learning and development including cognitive and social risk factors.
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Children with ADHD are inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive. In our Project KoKo we viewed these problems as problems of cognitive self-regulation: We analyzed children’s behavioral inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and working memory.

This project’s aim was to identify how children acquire social competencies.

The KonText project investigates how grammatical features of texts and individual characteristics of readers (e.g. multilingualism) influence text comprehension. The focus is on the comprehension of linguistic means of indicating basic sequential relationships, so-called causal connectors (e.g. because, since, therefore). The project aims to find out (i) whether explicit labelling of causal relations facilitates text comprehension, (ii) for which causal connectors this is true, and (iii) which students benefit from this.

Kosmos focused on the cognitive and socio-emotional development of children with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia.

The project LeA examined the manipulation of reading and calculating performance based on the acceleration phenomenon.

The LEGA project analyses the use of reading strategies by primary school children. It compares the use of reading strategies between class levels and relates this to existing vocabulary and contextual information. The aim is to find out more about the conditions under which efficient (retrieval) strategies, which are important for fluent reading, are used and how this use can be supported.

The project LEMO focused on achievement motivation of children in primary school.

The project focused on procedures of reading of struggling readers in the 5th and 6th grades. Two main questions were examined: 1. What are the underlying processes of reading in dyslexic children beyond the early years of reading acquisition. 2. How can these processes be enhanced or changed.

The interdisciplinary project MaKreKi uses a longitudinal design to examine the development of mathematical creativity in early childhood.

The project MEMO analyzed verbal rehearsal-strategy development in children with and without dyslexia or dyscalculia.