
Individual Development

This domain investigates the foundations of learning and development including cognitive and social risk factors.

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Individual Development


The project investigates the effects of metacognitive executive function training in children from low socioeconomic backgrounds with an emphasis on transfer to academic abilities. Children are recruited in Germany and the UK to ensure greater generalizability. We focus on two age groups (4-6 vs. 8-10 years) to examine whether there is a developmentally sensitive period for cognitive training interventions.

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Individual Development


The project MILA investigated the language abilities of monolingual children acquiring German and of children acquiring German as early second language. The project aimed at describing typical development in German and at identifying characteristics of language impairment.

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Individual Development


The project investigates the role of language and executive functions in cognitive and academic development of elementary school children. The focus is on the comparison of monolingual and bilingual children (especially children from immigrant families), who often differ in terms of their language abilities as well as their academic achievement.

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Individual Development

Momokid 2.0

We investigate the extent to which strategic and incidental learning might modulate the efficiency of memory consolidation of events over time. We also investigate how this process might differ between children and young adults.

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Individual Development


The research project MORAL investigates the socio-moral development of children and adolescents with a strong focus on intergroup processes and social cognition. Another focus of the project is the training of educators and teachers regarding social exclusion among children and adolescents.

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Individual Development


Project MotivO aims at investigating and comparing motivational aspects of reading achievement across orthographies (German vs. Hebrew). Within the context of a cooperation project, German and Israeli 2nd and 4th Graders will be compared regarding their reading motivation and reading achievement in a cross-language research design to detect positive or negative feelings towards reading as well as changes across time.

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Individual Development


Investigating emotional expectation and appraisal processes in children aged 8-12

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Individual Development


The project NEDA investigates the relationship between the development of reading and spelling skills and the development of neural auditory processing in elementary school children.

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Individual Development


Project NEIS is concerned with the development of self-regulatory skills – the ability to perform goal-oriented behavior – in children aged between 5 and 8 years.

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Individual Development


The project NeuroBind investigates the neural bases of the attachment system in children with different attachment styles using neuroimaging techniques (structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging). To activate their attachment system, children are shown different attachment relevant pictures and are asked to imagine themselves in secure and dangerous social situations. Correlations between brain activity and emotional reactions in response to those specific social situations are analyzed.

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