
Individual Development

This domain investigates the foundations of learning and development including cognitive and social risk factors.

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Individual Development


Visual perception in children is known to serve as an early indicator of learning and achievement disorders. The project ViWa focuses on the development of visual perception and its relationship to math precursor skills and social-emotional competencies in children aged four to ten years.

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Individual Development


The project WoBi investigates how children with German as their second language (Age of Onset: 2–4 years and 6–7 years) acquire the typical stress patterns of German.

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Individual Development


In the project WorlD, we examine the role working memory plays for learning to read, write and calculate in children with intellectual disabilities.

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Individual Development

World Vision Children Study

What does it mean to grow up in Germany? In order to answer this question children as agents of their own lives are asked qualitatively and quantitatively about the main topics of child well-being, child poverty, and justice, as well as flight and migration.

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