Individual Development
This domain investigates the foundations of learning and development including cognitive and social risk factors.
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The project PaSS evaluates the social validity of school-based prevention programmes that aim to foster social skills and reduce aggressive behaviour.

As neuroscientific knowledge about brain function accumulates, it becomes increasingly important to derive a set of overarching general principles about how the human brain works. One promising approach is the concept of predictive coding, which posits that the brain functions like a prediction machine; internal models in the brain predict future states against which incoming […]

This project evaluates the potential of predictions generated by students to improve their learning. Further, it investigates the mechanisms that determine its success and asks whether there are age-related differences in its effectiveness.

The PROMPT project is developing an evidence-based, child-friendly prototype of a learning planner application to support students in self-regulated learning with digital media. The final version of the prototype will be made freely available for widespread use.

The RABE 2 project investigates the persistence and psychosocial consequences of learning difficulties in school from primary school to early adulthood. The study focuses on the risks and effects of learning difficulties, but also looks at the resources of those affected.

The project ReAL examines the development of children’s reading and calculation skills over the course of elementary school, using a combination of behavioral and neurophysiological (EEG, MRI) measures.

The ReLari project investigates the relationship between children’s and adolescents’ relative age and their learning performance in the school context.

The project RESI investigates the relationship between individual cognitive variables and arithmetic strategies in primary-school children.

The RetSeL project investigates self-regulation strategies in primary school mathematics. In particular, it aims to investigate why learners differ in their use of strategies in arithmetic and to take a closer look at the underlying cognitive and motivational-affective learning processes in arithmetic. A particular focus of the project is to identify specific features of such learning processes in learners with learning and attention difficulties.

The project RiSE deals with ethnic and social inequalities at school entry.