Adaptive Education
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This project analyses the importance of low-threshold schooling and learning opportunities in initial reception centres in Hesse for the development, learning and integration process of children and adolescents. The aim is to identify the psychosocial needs of children in the developmental phase of school age and ultimately the challenges for educational practice in the school context and to formulate recommendations for policy and practice.

The project “EULe – Erfolgreich Unterrichten mit Lernverlaufsdiagnostik” aims to support 10 primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia in developing and implementing school-specific, data-based and adaptive support concepts based on learning progression diagnostics.

The DigitLern project aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of (digital) distance learning and teaching during the coronavirus pandemic for children and young people with learning difficulties.

The DiaS-K project will interview educators in kindergartens and doctors who carry out school entry examinations to find out what instruments for diagnosing self-regulation at kindergarten age need to look like so that they can be used in practice.

The DIALOG project accompanies a 1.5-year training programme on the implementation of discovery and inquiry-based learning for early childhood educators. Various methods (e.g. video observations and smartphone-based surveys) will be used to investigate the interaction and communication between the actors and the conditions for successful implementation of the programme content.