Childhood Education and Care from the Perspective of Policy Makers, Professionals in Kindergartens and Primary Schools, Parents, and Children

The research project EDUCARE covers two main subjects: childhood and educational inequalities.

The significance of early childhood education and care in kindergartens and primary schools has increased strongly. Various aspects such as early (language) support, compensation of unequal opportunities, or early identification of learning difficulties are discussed in the media, in science, and politics. According to our thesis, corresponding political reports and programs concerning early and professional children’s support construct models of ‘good childhood’ which convey particular conceptions of ‘good parenthood’, ‘good kindergartens’, and ‘good primary schools’. Such models also include calls to action, particularly addressing children (and their parents) from migrant backgrounds or those belonging to a low social stratum. From two theoretical perspectives, one focusing on children, the other on social inequalities, our research project examines which conceptions of ‘good childhood’ can be found among the relevant groups of actors and how these conceptions are related to the children’s everyday life as well as their educational opportunities. Furthermore, the way these groups deal with the ‘official’ political concepts of ‘good childhood’ and to what extend this is relevant for the reproduction of educational inequalities, is of interest.  Essential for our research is the question if and how inequalities develop when perceptions and practices (also unintended ones) do (not) correspond to the ones in the political discourse and whether they affect the transition from elementary school to the secondary level.

Selected Publications

Betz, T. & Bischoff, S. (2017). Heterogenität als Herausforderung oder Belastung? Zur Konstruktion von Differenz von frühpädagogischen Fachkräften in Kindertageseinrichtungen. In U. Stenger, D. Edelmann, D. Nolte & M. Schulz (Hrsg.), Diversität in der Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Konstruktion und Normativität (S. 101–118). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Betz, T., Bischoff, S. & Eunicke, N. (2017). Ungleiche Perspektiven von Eltern auf frühe Bildung und Förderung in Familie und Kindertageseinrichtung. In P. Bauer und C. Wiezorek (Hrsg.), Familienbilder zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel. Analysen zur (sozial-)pädagogischen Bezugnahme auf Familie (S. 212–228). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Betz, T. & de Moll, F. (2015). Sozial situierte Erwartungen von Eltern und pädagogischen Fachkräften an gute Kindertageseinrichtungen. Ein gesellschaftstheoretischer und empirisch-quantitativer Beitrag zur Qualitätsdebatte. Empirische Pädagogik, 29(3), 371–392.

Betz, T., de Moll, F. & Kayser, L. (2015). Soziale Determinanten des Lehrerhandelns. Milieuspezifische und berufsbiographische Einflussfaktoren auf die Kooperation und Kommunikation mit Eltern. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 35(4), 377–395.

Betz, T. & Kayser, L. B. (2017). Children and Society. Children’s Knowledge About Inequalities, Meritocracy and the Interdependency of Academic Achievement, Poverty, and Wealth. American Behavioral Scientist, 61(2), 186–203.
