Project FLINK

Learn to read fluently: Individualised reading intervention

The FLINK project is investigating a computer-based fluency training programme. Children in the middle and lower reading achievement range in grades 3 to 6 can complete up to 54 training units in one school year. The training is accompanied by regular progress diagnostics and can be completed largely independently.

The FLINK project focuses on the implementation of digital fluency training for children who are in the middle and lower reading achievement range. In previous studies, a method of fading out reading material on a computer screen, letter by letter in the direction of reading, has been shown to be effective (see LeA Training project). Several studies suggest that fading can help children to concentrate more on reading, increase their reading speed and achieve better reading comprehension.
FLINK is aimed at children in the middle and lower reading ability range in grades 3 to 6. Children who take part in the training can complete up to 54 training sessions during the school year in which the computer-based fluency programme is used. Each training session lasts approximately one school hour. If possible, training should take place twice a week. As part of FLINK, quop (Link) will also carry out online-based progress diagnostics at regular intervals to monitor the progress of the participating children. The training programme requires laptops or tablets and headphones, which are provided by the participating schools. The digitised training programme can be completed by the children largely independently and also in smaller groups.