Projekt FLORI

Fluency Learning through Oral Reading Instructions

The project FLORI focused on promoting reading fluency development in elementary school children.

Reading fluency is an essential requirement for text comprehension. The ability of fluent reading implies accuracy in decoding, automaticity in word recognition, and appropriate use of prosodic features. The project studied the effectiveness of two oral reading instructional routines: The fluency development lesson (FDL), a primarily teacher-centered approach, and the paired repeated reading method (PRR), a variation of peer-assisted learning. Both interventions were implemented in regular classroom settings during one half of the school year. Using a pre-post-follow up design, children’s achievement gains were monitored with regard to reading fluency and text comprehension. 45 classes with 3rd graders participated in the study. Results showed that PRR is an effective methods to enhance reading fluency in third graders: Students that were trained with this method were able to read more fluent than students that received a reading instruction without a specific training method.

Selected Publications

Gold, A., Behrendt, S., Lauer-Schmaltz, M., & Rosebrock, C. (2013). Förderung der Leseflüssigkeit in dritten Grundschulklassen. In C. Rosebrock & A. Bertschi-Kaufmann (Eds.), Literalität erfassen: bildungspolitisch, kulturell, individuell (pp. 203-218). Weinheim: Beltz.

Rieckmann, C., Behrendt, S., & Lauer-Schmaltz, M. (2012). Im Team trainieren – das Programm Lautlesetandems. In M. Philipp & A. Schilcher (Eds.), Selbstreguliertes Lesen (pp. 88-99). Seelze: Friedrich.

Rosebrock, C., Nix, D., Rieckmann, C., & Gold, A. (2011). Leseflüssigkeit fördern: Lautleseverfahren für die Primar- und Sekundarstufe. Seelze: Kallmeyer.

Adaptive Education