Project Hector

Formative Evaluation of Hector Children’s Academies

The project provides scientific monitoring for the Hector-Academies’ gifted children support program in order to give feedback about the effectiveness.

The Hector-Program aims to support gifted children and simultaneously faces the deficit of data about the effectiveness of gifted education. Hector Children’s Academies are extracurricular institutions that offer classes for gifted children up to the age of 10. There is a wide variety of classes from different fields with a clear focus on STEM fields. Children can participate in the program after a teacher nomination. The main goals of the Hector Children’s Academies are teaching knowledge, enhancement of general cognitive competencies, development of an adequate self-concept, and improvement of social and self-regulatory skills. Furthermore, there is interest in pushing the children’s interest into the fields of science and engineering and increasing their achievement motivation. The goal of the research project is an extensive evaluation of the whole Hector-Program and to provide constructive feedback. Central research questions focus on the selection of children and the effectiveness of the program, particularly with regard to the impact on the children’s development.

Selected Publication

Beißert, H. M., & Hasselhorn, M. (2016). Individual differences in moral development: Does intelligence really affect children’s moral reasoning and moral emotions? Frontiers in Psychology, 7. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01961

Beißert, H., Hasselhorn, M., & Lösche, P. (2014). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Frühprognose von Hochbegabung. In M. Stamm (Ed.), Handbuch Talententwicklung (pp. 415-425). Bern, Switzerland: Verlag Hans Huber.