Project KiGru

Transition Project Frankfurt: Kindergarten - Primary School

The project KiGru offered children with complicated development conditions individual support and monitoring in the transition from kindergarten to primary school.

Numerous studies have shown that children with developmental risks are particularly burdened during transitional periods. Targeted initiatives proved to be especially effective (see for example experience and evaluation of the “Kasseler Schülerhilfeprojekt”). The project KiGru aimed to implement a central finding from resilience research showing that the establishment of a constant and professional relationship with children with a developmental risk can have positive long-term effects by strengthening their resilience.

Therefore, KiGru pursued the following goals:

  • Professional support and continuous monitoring of children from the EVA study with an insecure attachment pattern (esp. attachment patterns C and D) through weekly meetings with master students from the educational sciences, psychology and teaching profession
  • Strengthening the child’s inner world and establishing resources via personalized and coordinated guidance during the transitional period
  • Offering special professional qualification for students from the educational sciences, psychology and teaching professions at Goethe University
  • Documentation and analysis of the children’s development (social integration, school performance etc.) as well as the students’ development of professional skills

Selected Publications

  • Andresen, S., Mailand, S., Milanovic, D., & Blume, J. (2013). Erfahrungen und Erleben von Armut aus der Sicht von Kindern: „Ich würde meiner Familie was schenken und dafür sorgen, dass sie nicht so viel in Schwierigkeiten sind.“ Unsere Jugend, 65, 123-129.
  • Emde, R. N., & Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (Eds.) (2013). Early Parenting Research and Prevention of Disorder: Psychoanalytic Research at Interdisciplinary Frontiers. London: Karnac Books.
  • Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2009). Frühe Kindheit als Schicksal? Trauma, Embodiment, Soziale Desintegration. Psychoanalytische Perspektiven. Mit kinderanalytischen Fallberichten von Angelika Wolff und Rose Ahlheim. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Richter, M., & Andresen, S. (Eds.) (2012). The Politicization of Parenthood. Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education in Child Rearing. New York: Springer.
Individual Development