Perspectives of Early Childhood Educators on the Implementation of Compensatory Education in Kindergarten

The project PELIKAN focuses on factors that influence effective implementation of compensatory education for enhancing school readiness in kindergarten.

Different factors play an important role in the implementation of evidence-based practice. Research in the domain of medicine has identified different individual and institutional factors, as well as characteristics of an innovation itself that influence the quality of implementation. This implementation quality is characterized by the acceptance of an innovation by practitioners, by the way it is implemented and to what extent, and by the sustainability of the implementation. Regarding elementary education, however, there is a lack of systematic research on these factors.

Thus, the aim of the project PELIKAN is to study these factors and their effect on the quality of implementation regarding compensatory education in kindergarten. The study is situated in the state of Baden-Württemberg, where a model project called “Schulreifes Kind” has been established. “Schulreifes Kind” aims at an early identification of children with developmental risks and at initializing corresponding interventions. Most importantly, it aims to improve school readiness and to initiate a closer cooperation between kindergarten and primary schools. To answer our research questions, we use questionnaires and interviews in a repeated measure design.

Selected Publications

Höltge, L., Ehm, J.-H., Hartmann, U., & Hasselhorn, M. (2017). Teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs regarding assessment and promotion of school-relevant skills of preschool children. Early Child Development and Care, 1–13. doi:10.1080/03004430.2017.1323888

Höltge, L., Hartmann, U., Ehm, J.-H., & Hasselhorn, M. (2016). Kinder vor Schuleintritt bedürfnisgerecht unterstützen. KiTa aktuell NRW, 24, 93–94.
