Project PROfessio

Knowledge and Practice in Language Training in Preschools and Primary Schools

PROfessio investigates language teacher’s competencies and the process of professionalization regarding their knowledge and practice in the area of language training.

In the scientific and political discourse there is general agreement that early language training is crucial for children’s educational success, especially for those with multilingual background. Language training has since become an integral aspect of teachers’ professional duties in kindergartens and elementary schools. Given teachers’ qualificational background and the current working conditions in daycare institutions, it is unclear how well language teachers are suited to succeed in the task of language training. Studies so far suggest that teachers in kindergartens and elementary schools are not well-prepared for the task of language training (Fried 2007; Tracy/Ludwig/Ofner 2010).

PROfessio investigates language teacher’s competencies and the process of professionalization regarding their knowledge and practice in the area of language training. The study sample comprises two participant groups: teachers providing language training for preschool children and teachers providing language training for children under three years of age.

Selected Publications

Geist, B., & Grimm, A. (2012). …, weil der Igel im Winter schläft. Diagnostik und Förderung für die Nebensatzbildung bei Kindern mit DaZ. Grundschule Deutsch, 36, 24-26.

Kersten, A., Geist, B., & Voet Cornelli, B. (2011). Mehrsprachigkeit. Mythen und was dahinter steckt. KiTa aktuell HRS, 89–91.

Müller, A. (2014). Profession und Sprache: Die Sicht der (Zweit-)Spracherwerbsforschung. In: T. Betz & P. Cloos (Hrsg.), Kindheit und Profession (pp. 66-83). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
