Project Sprachförderprofis

Professionalization of Language Educators in Kindergarten and Elementary School

The project Sprachförderprofis offers a joint training program for kindergarten and elementary school teachers. The teachers learn to plan language support settings in small groups based on current insights from linguistics and language acquisition.

The project Sprachförderprofis aims at joint systematic qualification of both kindergarten and primary school teachers in the field of language training. By doing so, quality standards in language diagnostics and support will be developed ensuring continuous language support in elementary and primary education. Thus, resulting in a long-term improvement of linguistic training for multilingual children aged up to ten, as proposed by the Hessian Education and Schooling Concept.

Based on presentations of primary knowledge concerning language, language acquisition, multilingualism, diagnostics, and language support professionals are guided to deepen and implement their knowledge as well as their practical skills. Professionals will be capable not only of designing profound linguistic support but also of its individual implementation to small or larger groups of children with special educational needs (e.g., German as second language).  In order to ensure the project’s effectiveness and sustainability professionals’ training will be conducted as interdependent periods of training, implementation, and reconsideration rather than separated training sessions.

Selected Publications

Müller, A., Schulz, P., Geyer, S., & Smits, K. (in press). Professionalisierung von Sprachförderkräften im Elementarbereich. In Hartmann, U., Hasselhorn, M. & Gold, A. (Eds.), Bildungsrisiken bei Kindern – Entwicklungsprozesse und Lernförderung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Schwarze, R., Geyer, S., & Voet Cornelli, B. (2016). Sprachdiagnostik als Ausgangspunkt für Förderung mehrsprachiger Schülerinnen und Schüler. Pädagogik Leben, 2-2016, 10–12.

Grimm, A., & Schulz, P. (2014). Sprachfähigkeiten von Kindern mit DaZ bei Schuleintritt. In B. Lütke & I. Petersen (Eds.), Deutsch als Zweitsprache: erwerben, lernen und lehren. Beiträge zum 9. Workshop Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund (pp. 35–50). Stuttgart: Klett Fillibach.