Adaptive Education
To the project browserWieSeL
The WieSeL project is concerned with teachers’ self-regulation skills. It focuses on the question of which aspects of teachers’ professional competence support the promotion of self-regulation in school children’s learning.
The Stereo-no-GO project investigates gender and background inequalities in STEM and participation in gifted education programmes.
The Europe-wide project ‘Growing Up in Digital Europe’ (GUIDE) analyses the success factors for the development of well-being in a digital world. Over a period of about 25 years, two birth cohorts (infants and school-age children) and their parents will be systematically surveyed. The upstream project GUIDEPREP (‘GUIDE Preparatory Phase’) will develop the necessary research infrastructure for the GUIDE panel between 2022 and 2026.
The FePrax project examines diagnostic assessment and counselling practices in the areas of learning, language, emotional-social development, intellectual development and autism in five German states.
The IDeA project BiLTex investigates potential differences between bilingual and monolingual learning environments for text comprehension. Whereas in monolingual learning environments all information and actions are available or take place in German, in bilingual learning environments the mother tongue is systematically included. BilTex aims to investigate whether the inclusion of the language of origin has a positive effect on text comprehension and the learning experience of pupils growing up bilingually.