
Adaptive Education

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Adaptive Education


The IDeA project BiLTex investigates potential differences between bilingual and monolingual learning environments for text comprehension. Whereas in monolingual learning environments all information and actions are available or take place in German, in bilingual learning environments the mother tongue is systematically included. BilTex aims to investigate whether the inclusion of the language of origin has a positive effect on text comprehension and the learning experience of pupils growing up bilingually.

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Individual Development


The research group aims to identify the causes of educational inequalities, analyse changes over time and identify the risks and opportunities of digitalization to reduce educational inequalities.

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Adaptive Education


This project evaluates the potential of computerized formative assessment to support reading acquisition of children with reading difficulties. Formative assessment enables teachers to adapt their teaching methods to the individual learning progress of their students.

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Individual Development


The project investigates the role of language and executive functions in cognitive and academic development of elementary school children. The focus is on the comparison of monolingual and bilingual children (especially children from immigrant families), who often differ in terms of their language abilities as well as their academic achievement.

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Individual Development


The project SASCHA studies the adaptation of the transition from primary to secondary school. Specifically, daily academic and social challenges of the transition as well as coping mechanisms are studied.

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The TRIO project examines the effects of a joint professionalization of kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers in the field of language education.

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Individual Development


Visual perception in children is known to serve as an early indicator of learning and achievement disorders. The project ViWa focuses on the development of visual perception and its relationship to math precursor skills and social-emotional competencies in children aged four to ten years.

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Individual Development


The project NeuroBind investigates the neural bases of the attachment system in children with different attachment styles using neuroimaging techniques (structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging). To activate their attachment system, children are shown different attachment relevant pictures and are asked to imagine themselves in secure and dangerous social situations. Correlations between brain activity and emotional reactions in response to those specific social situations are analyzed.

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Individual Development

Schulreifes Kind

Scientific evaluation of a concept of compensatory educational offers for children in pre-school and primary school for the Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sports of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

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Adaptive Education

Pro KiEl

The Pro KiEl project targets an assessment of the effectiveness as well as underlying general and differential mechanisms of a family support programme. Findings from this evaluation study will be fundamental to the recommendation of interventions required by immigrant children and their parents regarding equitable participation in education.

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