Adaptive Education
To the project browserMeBis
MeBis is a project examining the handling of and attitudes towards multilingualism in children, parents and teachers in primary education settings, particularly concerning the use of several languages, for learning at home and reading out to children, but also during lessons with a particular focus on grammar and language comparisons.

The meRLe project explores ways to promote German reading skills using multilingual-sensitive reciprocal teaching in primary education.

LONDI (former OnDiFoe)
The project LONDI aims at developing a web-based platform to support the identification and treatment of children with major difficulties in learning to read, spell, and/or calculate. The platform will provide evidence-based information, materials and tools for learning disabilities screening as well as for the individual diagnosis and remediation.

The research project MORAL investigates the socio-moral development of children and adolescents with a strong focus on intergroup processes and social cognition. Another focus of the project is the training of educators and teachers regarding social exclusion among children and adolescents.

The research project aims at a better understanding of the persisting social inequality in children’s school success. The main focus is on socioeconomic differences in attitudes, beliefs, and practices of children, parents, and educators with regard to education and care in early and middle childhood.

The project Sprachförderprofis offers a joint training program for kindergarten and elementary school teachers. The teachers learn to plan language support settings in small groups based on current insights from linguistics and language acquisition.

The TRIO project examines the effects of a joint professionalization of kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers in the field of language education.

The project SCESAM investigates when and how children get familiar with the regularities that characterize our daily life. These regularities, that for us adults often seem obvious, comprise for instance, that the milk belongs in the kitchen and not in the bedroom.

Attitudes and Actions of Parents and Professionals
The study examines from an educational and socio-scientific perspective the attitudes held by parents and educators at early childhood education and care (ECEC) facilities and primary schools, as well as their underlying beliefs and interactions. The focus is on processes found at the intersection of families and educational institutions that give rise to, reinforce or reduce educational inequalities.

The project SLICES examines, whether the thin slices technique can be used to efficiently study educational processes in very large samples, such as they are common in large scale assessments. The study focuses on the “constructive handling of student errors” in the classroom, an indicator of teaching and learning that is considered to be of particular importance for adaptive interactions with heterogeneous groups of learners.