Individual Development
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Vocabulary learning is easier when the learner is active, either by making a prediction about the possible translation of the foreign word, or by making gestures at the same time. The aim of this project was to investigate these learning activities in more detail and to look more closely at the effects of their interaction.

This project investigates how preschool children cope with linguistic variation. The focus is on the acquisition of adjectives such as big, clean or yellow. The project thus contributes to the question of how children acquire the grammatical rules of their first language and the meaning of utterances when the linguistic input is ambiguous.

The SEM project, funded within the framework of the BMBF funding guideline ‘Language Education in the Immigration Society’, aims to develop, test and research a concept for language support in pre-primary classes. The project includes subject-integrated language support in the development of mathematical precursor skills in conjunction with the promotion of emotional understanding and emotion regulation, as well as a language support related professionalisation programme for teachers working in pre-school classes.

The project focuses on the individual support of primary school children from different learning backgrounds and languages of origin by the professionals involved in all-day schooling, as well as on gaining insights into the effects of lesson design on the individual development of pupils.

The KonText project investigates how grammatical features of texts and individual characteristics of readers (e.g. multilingualism) influence text comprehension. The focus is on the comprehension of linguistic means of indicating basic sequential relationships, so-called causal connectors (e.g. because, since, therefore). The project aims to find out (i) whether explicit labelling of causal relations facilitates text comprehension, (ii) for which causal connectors this is true, and (iii) which students benefit from this.

This project analyses the importance of low-threshold schooling and learning opportunities in initial reception centres in Hesse for the development, learning and integration process of children and adolescents. The aim is to identify the psychosocial needs of children in the developmental phase of school age and ultimately the challenges for educational practice in the school context and to formulate recommendations for policy and practice.

The EAGLeS project focuses on the acquisition of written language skills when learning English as a foreign language in Years 5 and 6. It will look for systematic differences between children with reading and/or spelling difficulties and those without. This will be followed by the development and validation of an English diagnostic procedure.