Adaptive Education
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The MaLeLiOS project aims to investigate how narratively designed mathematical learning situations encourage children to engage in mathematical conversations and thus enable them to listen and observe on the one hand and to talk about mathematics and mathematical activities on the other.

The StarLApp project is about the research-based development and qualitative research of the pre-version of an app for statistical learning in primary schools. The app is to be designed with regard to a learning path derived from theory and encourage learners to reason with statistical data.

The project investigates the role of language and executive functions in cognitive and academic development of elementary school children. The focus is on the comparison of monolingual and bilingual children (especially children from immigrant families), who often differ in terms of their language abilities as well as their academic achievement.

The project RESI investigates the relationship between individual cognitive variables and arithmetic strategies in primary-school children.

The project investigates the effects of metacognitive executive function training in children from low socioeconomic backgrounds with an emphasis on transfer to academic abilities. Children are recruited in Germany and the UK to ensure greater generalizability. We focus on two age groups (4-6 vs. 8-10 years) to examine whether there is a developmentally sensitive period for cognitive training interventions.

Visual perception in children is known to serve as an early indicator of learning and achievement disorders. The project ViWa focuses on the development of visual perception and its relationship to math precursor skills and social-emotional competencies in children aged four to ten years.

The project SelF deals with the implementation of specific self-regulatory strategies in different areas of application.

The project IPhaMat examined how students of mathematics for primary schools, teachers in the preparatory service, and practising primary school teachers take up an innovative teaching approach to cooperative learning.

The project MEMO analyzed verbal rehearsal-strategy development in children with and without dyslexia or dyscalculia.

In the project WorlD, we examine the role working memory plays for learning to read, write and calculate in children with intellectual disabilities.