Individual Development
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In the project WorlD, we examine the role working memory plays for learning to read, write and calculate in children with intellectual disabilities.

The project ReAL examines the development of children’s reading and calculation skills over the course of elementary school, using a combination of behavioral and neurophysiological (EEG, MRI) measures.

The interdisciplinary project MaKreKi uses a longitudinal design to examine the development of mathematical creativity in early childhood.

The project LeA examined the manipulation of reading and calculating performance based on the acceleration phenomenon.

The erStMaL project is a long-term study that investigates the development of mathematical thinking in children from kindergarten until the second grade of elementary school by using mathematical situations of play and exploration.

The project ANNA focused on precursor skills that are central to the learning of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The project NUMBERS investigates two trainings for classroom-based promotion of early quantity-number competencies and self-regulation in classes with a high percentage of immigrant students.