Individual Development
To the project browserFrameWord
The aim of the project FrameWord is to investigate whether mechanisms that were described for visual object recognition – namely, neuronal top-down processing – also apply for visual word recognition.
In this research project developmental trajectories of children with and without ADHD symptoms will be examined by determing cognitive and emotional fluctuations, difficulties in self-regulation, and learning strategies.
The project SCESAM investigates when and how children get familiar with the regularities that characterize our daily life. These regularities, that for us adults often seem obvious, comprise for instance, that the milk belongs in the kitchen and not in the bedroom.
The project NeuroBind investigates the neural bases of the attachment system in children with different attachment styles using neuroimaging techniques (structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging). To activate their attachment system, children are shown different attachment relevant pictures and are asked to imagine themselves in secure and dangerous social situations. Correlations between brain activity and emotional reactions in response to those specific social situations are analyzed.
Project NEIS is concerned with the development of self-regulatory skills – the ability to perform goal-oriented behavior – in children aged between 5 and 8 years.
The project ReAL examines the development of children’s reading and calculation skills over the course of elementary school, using a combination of behavioral and neurophysiological (EEG, MRI) measures.
The project NEDA investigates the relationship between the development of reading and spelling skills and the development of neural auditory processing in elementary school children.
GIDeCA assessed biological and psychosocial family-related influences on the ability to delay rewards and on risky decision-making behavior in children with different ADHD symptoms.
The project ADHD studied various aspects of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and self-regulation.