
Individual Development

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Individual Development


The AHKi project aims to investigate which early temperamental characteristics and cognitive abilities can be used to identify which children are at risk of developing ADHD symptoms.

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Kindergartenkind schaut zu Erzieher auf
Individual Development


The research project SPEAK-Phonology is a part of the joint project SPEAK ( This part of the project focuses on developing standard values for a nonword repetiton test that was specifically constructed with multilingual children in mind. Standard values will be calculated for multilingual children between the ages of 4 and 8 and will take their individual biographies of acquisition into account.

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Adaptive Education

LONDI (former OnDiFoe)

The project LONDI aims at developing a web-based platform to support the identification and treatment of children with major difficulties in learning to read, spell, and/or calculate. The platform will provide evidence-based information, materials and tools for learning disabilities screening as well as for the individual diagnosis and remediation.

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Adaptive Education


A broad variety of professional modules, based on the psychoanalytical and interdisciplinary trauma research on the one hand and socio-pedagogical and educational concepts on the other hand, has been intended to offer “first steps” as a sort of first aid in the initial refugee reception Michaelisdorf and to initiate “second steps” to support the immediate and sustaining integration into Germany at the same time.

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Individual Development

Schulreifes Kind

Scientific evaluation of a concept of compensatory educational offers for children in pre-school and primary school for the Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sports of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

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Individual Development


The project PaSS evaluates the social validity of school-based prevention programmes that aim to foster social skills and reduce aggressive behaviour.

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Individual Development

Hate Crime

The project Hate Crime explores bias-motivated violence from an interdisciplinary perspective (law, ethics and psychology).

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Adaptive Education


The project EVA compares the effects of two established prevention programs – FAUSTLOS (“FISTLESS”) and EARLY STEPS in a sample of high risk children in kindergarten.

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Adaptive Education


The project FIRST STEPS is an early prevention project for families with an immigrant background aiming to sustainably support social integration of toddlers (0-3) .

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Individual Development


„Cool and Safe“ is a web-based program for the prevention of child sexual abuse. At Goethe University Frankfurt, its efficacy and acceptance by elementary school children was assessed.

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