Adaptive Education
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The WieSeL project is concerned with teachers’ self-regulation skills. It focuses on the question of which aspects of teachers’ professional competence support the promotion of self-regulation in school children’s learning.

The RetSeL project investigates self-regulation strategies in primary school mathematics. In particular, it aims to investigate why learners differ in their use of strategies in arithmetic and to take a closer look at the underlying cognitive and motivational-affective learning processes in arithmetic. A particular focus of the project is to identify specific features of such learning processes in learners with learning and attention difficulties.

The PuS-SeL project investigates components, influencing factors and approaches to promote self-regulation in primary school children’s learning.

The PROMPT project is developing an evidence-based, child-friendly prototype of a learning planner application to support students in self-regulated learning with digital media. The final version of the prototype will be made freely available for widespread use.

The PACO project investigated how families with schoolchildren adapt to different measures aimed at slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus. The focus was on the everyday experiences of parents in the period from the end of March to the end of April 2020.

The aim of the project is to investigate the effectiveness of teaching units for primary school science that integrate the use of digital media.

The Europe-wide project ‘Growing Up in Digital Europe’ (GUIDE) analyses the success factors for the development of well-being in a digital world. Over a period of about 25 years, two birth cohorts (infants and school-age children) and their parents will be systematically surveyed. The upstream project GUIDEPREP (‘GUIDE Preparatory Phase’) will develop the necessary research infrastructure for the GUIDE panel between 2022 and 2026.

We use meta-analyses and systematic reviews to investigate the effectiveness and conditions for success of self-regulation training. The meta-analyses focus on different training features (e.g. use of learning diaries) or different target groups (e.g. learners with ADHD).

The EMMA project investigates what emotions children report after failures, how children adjust their goals after failures, and the role of emotions and evaluation of failure in goal adjustment.

The DiaS-K project will interview educators in kindergartens and doctors who carry out school entry examinations to find out what instruments for diagnosing self-regulation at kindergarten age need to look like so that they can be used in practice.