Individual Development
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The research project MORAL investigates the socio-moral development of children and adolescents with a strong focus on intergroup processes and social cognition. Another focus of the project is the training of educators and teachers regarding social exclusion among children and adolescents.

Visual perception in children is known to serve as an early indicator of learning and achievement disorders. The project ViWa focuses on the development of visual perception and its relationship to math precursor skills and social-emotional competencies in children aged four to ten years.

The project NeuroBind investigates the neural bases of the attachment system in children with different attachment styles using neuroimaging techniques (structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging). To activate their attachment system, children are shown different attachment relevant pictures and are asked to imagine themselves in secure and dangerous social situations. Correlations between brain activity and emotional reactions in response to those specific social situations are analyzed.

The project KiGru offered children with complicated development conditions individual support and monitoring in the transition from kindergarten to primary school.

The project PaSS evaluates the social validity of school-based prevention programmes that aim to foster social skills and reduce aggressive behaviour.

The project EVA compares the effects of two established prevention programs – FAUSTLOS (“FISTLESS”) and EARLY STEPS in a sample of high risk children in kindergarten.

„Cool and Safe“ is a web-based program for the prevention of child sexual abuse. At Goethe University Frankfurt, its efficacy and acceptance by elementary school children was assessed.

The project RiSE deals with ethnic and social inequalities at school entry.

This project’s aim was to identify how children acquire social competencies.

The project ADHD studied various aspects of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and self-regulation.