Adaptive Education
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The WieSeL project is concerned with teachers’ self-regulation skills. It focuses on the question of which aspects of teachers’ professional competence support the promotion of self-regulation in school children’s learning.

The project uses different methodological approaches (experimental vignette studies, ambulatory assessment and behavioural observations) to investigate teachers’ reactions to student misbehaviour at school.

The SLICE-UP project is concerned with the ability to measure aspects of teaching quality using first impressions of untrained observers (so-called thin-slices ratings). Central aspects of teaching quality in classroom research are seen as the quality of learning-related interactions between teachers and students, such as the success of structured classroom management, constructive support from teachers, and lesson design that cognitively activates students.

The SEM project, funded within the framework of the BMBF funding guideline ‘Language Education in the Immigration Society’, aims to develop, test and research a concept for language support in pre-primary classes. The project includes subject-integrated language support in the development of mathematical precursor skills in conjunction with the promotion of emotional understanding and emotion regulation, as well as a language support related professionalisation programme for teachers working in pre-school classes.

The PERLE project is investigating whether computer-supported development of mathematics didactic competences leads to an improvement in early childhood education professionals’ ability to recognise and plan action.

The project aims to investigate the accuracy of judgement of trainee and experienced teachers. In particular, it focuses on the influence of stereotypes. Process data will be used to investigate teachers’ information processing and the influence of stereotypes on it, and to develop approaches to reduce the influence of stereotypes on judgements.

MespE focuses on teachers’ attitudes towards their pupils’ migration-related multilingualism. The effects of these attitudes on teachers’ judgments and expectations will be examined, and the findings will be used to design appropriate intervention measures (professionalisation/training concepts) to initiate the associated reflection processes.

The project focuses on the individual support of primary school children from different learning backgrounds and languages of origin by the professionals involved in all-day schooling, as well as on gaining insights into the effects of lesson design on the individual development of pupils.

KONTEXT Grundschule
The “KONTEXT Grundschule” project is creating an information website for primary school teachers. Teachers and researchers are working together to produce information texts on current and practically relevant topics related to the promotion of low-achieving pupils.

The InSel project is investigating how well teachers can recognise internalising symptoms in their students. In addition, a psychoeducational intervention for teachers regarding internalising behavioural problems in students is being developed and tested.