Individual Development
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Self-regulation is an important prerequisite and a good predictor of later school performance, social-emotional development and mental health. However, there is no psychometrically validated test battery for measuring self-regulation in German-speaking countries. The aim of the project is therefore to develop, psychometrically test and standardise such a test battery.

The KonText project investigates how grammatical features of texts and individual characteristics of readers (e.g. multilingualism) influence text comprehension. The focus is on the comprehension of linguistic means of indicating basic sequential relationships, so-called causal connectors (e.g. because, since, therefore). The project aims to find out (i) whether explicit labelling of causal relations facilitates text comprehension, (ii) for which causal connectors this is true, and (iii) which students benefit from this.

The AHKi project aims to investigate which early temperamental characteristics and cognitive abilities can be used to identify which children are at risk of developing ADHD symptoms.

In the project DELTA we apply a working memory training with elementary school children. We investigate the impact of children’s daily experiences on training success, with a focus on motivation, well-being, and sleep on training days.

The project investigates the role of language and executive functions in cognitive and academic development of elementary school children. The focus is on the comparison of monolingual and bilingual children (especially children from immigrant families), who often differ in terms of their language abilities as well as their academic achievement.

The project UPWIND investigates associations of affective, motivational, and cognitive processes in students. It specifically targets differences between children that can inform easily implemented interventions that can be tailored to individual students.

The project RESI investigates the relationship between individual cognitive variables and arithmetic strategies in primary-school children.

The project investigates the effects of metacognitive executive function training in children from low socioeconomic backgrounds with an emphasis on transfer to academic abilities. Children are recruited in Germany and the UK to ensure greater generalizability. We focus on two age groups (4-6 vs. 8-10 years) to examine whether there is a developmentally sensitive period for cognitive training interventions.

In this research project developmental trajectories of children with and without ADHD symptoms will be examined by determing cognitive and emotional fluctuations, difficulties in self-regulation, and learning strategies.

The project SASCHA studies the adaptation of the transition from primary to secondary school. Specifically, daily academic and social challenges of the transition as well as coping mechanisms are studied.