The research project “Adaptivity and teaching quality in individualized lessons” (Ada*Q) is part of the Robert Bosch Foundation’s “How does a good school work? – Research for practice” programme. The project investigates how individualized teaching in elementary school is implemented and designed at the schools that have won the German School Award.
The project ADHD studied various aspects of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and self-regulation.
We investigated intelligent methods to predict hyperactivity in children using accelerometer data. We considered the classification of recorded time-series as well as segmentation tasks.
ADHS geht häufig mit einem geringeren emotionalen Wohlbefinden und Schulschwierigkeiten einher. Da ADHS als Entwicklungsstörung auch mit Defiziten in den exekutiven Funktionen in Zusammenhang gebracht wird, hat sich gezeigt, dass Lernende mit ADHS von Selbstregulationstrainings besonders profitieren. Im Projekt AMSel führen wir aktuell eine Meta-Analyse durch, um die Wirksamkeit von Selbstregulationstraining für Lernende mit ADHS umfassend zu untersuchen.
The project ANNA focused on precursor skills that are central to the learning of reading, writing, and arithmetic.
In this research project developmental trajectories of children with and without ADHD symptoms will be examined by determing cognitive and emotional fluctuations, difficulties in self-regulation, and learning strategies.
Attitudes and Actions of Parents and Professionals
The study examines from an educational and socio-scientific perspective the attitudes held by parents and educators at early childhood education and care (ECEC) facilities and primary schools, as well as their underlying beliefs and interactions. The focus is on processes found at the intersection of families and educational institutions that give rise to, reinforce or reduce educational inequalities.
The project BÄRENstark! investigated the cognitive causes of learning difficulties in basic scholastic competencies such as reading, spelling, and calculating.
BiPeer explores ways to support German reading competency of Turkish-German bilingual primary school children using peer-learning methods.
The project cammino examines the verbal skills of multilingual children and their speech development.