Project GeKiSch

Refugee children at school

This project analyses the importance of low-threshold schooling and learning opportunities in initial reception centres in Hesse for the development, learning and integration process of children and adolescents. The aim is to identify the psychosocial needs of children in the developmental phase of school age and ultimately the challenges for educational practice in the school context and to formulate recommendations for policy and practice.

The project analyses the importance of low-threshold schooling and learning opportunities and the significance of schools in initial reception centres in Hesse for the development and integration process of children and young people. The aim is to identify the course of the transition from the early arrival phase to integration into society and to formulate recommendations for practice and policy.
The project is characterised by research on children’s development and arrival processes in the research field of the first reception centre. This means that the early arrival phase of refugee children and families will be analysed in particular under the assumption that early support measures during this period are of particular importance for the further arrival and integration process.
The following research questions accompany the research project How is schooling organised in initial reception centres in Hessen? What are the needs of refugee children and young people with regard to their school education? What is the significance of teachers for children and young people as well as their legal guardians in the first phases of arrival? What is the learning experience in the usually short time that families spend in the centre? Using a multi-perspective research design, teachers as well as children, young people and their carers have their say.

Selected Publications

Meurs, P., Poholski, C., Ziegler, P., Schäfer, D., Ghassan, D. & Zokai, R. (2023): Zur Gestalt psycho-therapeutischer Beziehungen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen während der Ankommensphase nach der Flucht. In: Traxl, B. (Hrsg.): Psychoanalyse outside the box (S. 15-40). Gießen: Brandes & Apsel.

Meurs, P., Ziegler, P. & Schäfer, D. (2023): Radikalisierung islamischer Jugendlicher aus psychoanalytischer Perspektive. Jugendhilfe, 61 (1), 96-100.

Meurs, P., Jensen, A., Kuhn, M.M., Arnold, S., Zokai, R., Lohl, J., Ghassan, D., Schäfer, D. & Stumpfögger, N. (2022). Im Dickicht des Ankommens. Einblicke in die psychosoziale Begleitung von Geflüchteten. Gießen: Psychosozial Verlag.

Adaptive Education