Project MaLeLiOS
Mathematical Learning Situations – Listening, Observing and Speaking
The MaLeLiOS project aims to investigate how narratively designed mathematical learning situations encourage children to engage in mathematical conversations and thus enable them to listen and observe on the one hand and to talk about mathematics and mathematical activities on the other.
Specially designed mathematical learning formats such as mathematical picture books and mathematical talk videos create learning opportunities that focus on listening, observing, telling and acting in mathematical contexts. In conversations between the learners, the content discussed in the video is to be further developed and made explicit.
The aim of the MaLeLiOS project is to investigate how children use the specially designed mathematical learning opportunities (picture book/talk video) for their mathematical activities. Of particular interest is the question of the extent to which mathematical picture books differ from mathematical talk videos as a stimulus for mathematical learning.
The study analyzes videotaped learning situations that were carried out at two points in times with the same groups of children from third and fourth grade. The focus is on how learners grasp mathematical relationships and use multimodal modes of expression – such as language, actions and gestures – in their learning process.
Selected publications
- Scheibelein, L. & Vogel, R. (2024). Mathematische Gesprächsvideos – Lernanlässe im Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule. In P. Ebers, F. Rösken, B. Barzel, A. Büchter, F. Schacht & P. Scherer (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2024. (S. 1269–1272) WTM.
- Scheibelein, L., & Vogel, R. (in press). Mathematical learning videos as an initiation of a conversation. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME), Sydney, Australia.