
Adaptive Education


LONDI is an online platform for the diagnosis and support of children with learning disabilities. The collaborative project LONDI 2 is investigating how the online platform can be used and evaluating this process. The aim is to disseminate the platform widely and enable its effective and sustainable use, particularly in primary schools, but also in therapy and by parents.

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Individual Development


The interdisciplinary project MaKreKi uses a longitudinal design to examine the development of mathematical creativity in early childhood.

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Adaptive Education


The MaLeLiOS project aims to investigate how narratively designed mathematical learning situations encourage children to engage in mathematical conversations and thus enable them to listen and observe on the one hand and to talk about mathematics and mathematical activities on the other.

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Adaptive Education


The MatheMat project examines learners’ actions on comparable digital and analogue materials in order to reconstruct the mathematical interpretations underlying these actions. The question is what mathematical interpretations learners make of comparable digital and analogue mathematical situations and whether differences can be observed that are caused by the material. Based on the results of the project’s analyses, recommendations will be made for the use of digital and analogue materials in mathematical learning situations.

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Adaptive Education


MeBis is a project examining the handling of and attitudes towards multilingualism in children, parents and teachers in primary education settings, particularly concerning the use of several languages, for learning at home and reading out to children, but also during lessons with a particular focus on grammar and language comparisons.

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Adaptive Education


MeBis is a project examining the handling of and attitudes towards multilingualism in children, parents and teachers in primary education settings, particularly concerning the use of several languages, for learning at home and reading out to children, but also during lessons with a particular focus on grammar and language comparisons.

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Individual Development


The project MEMO analyzed verbal rehearsal-strategy development in children with and without dyslexia or dyscalculia.

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Adaptive Education


The meRLe project explores ways to promote German reading skills using multilingual-sensitive reciprocal teaching in primary education.

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MespE focuses on teachers’ attitudes towards their pupils’ migration-related multilingualism. The effects of these attitudes on teachers’ judgments and expectations will be examined, and the findings will be used to design appropriate intervention measures (professionalisation/training concepts) to initiate the associated reflection processes.

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Individual Development


The project investigates the effects of metacognitive executive function training in children from low socioeconomic backgrounds with an emphasis on transfer to academic abilities. Children are recruited in Germany and the UK to ensure greater generalizability. We focus on two age groups (4-6 vs. 8-10 years) to examine whether there is a developmentally sensitive period for cognitive training interventions.

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