Project RifA

Poverty as a Risk Factor: A Qualitative Study of Vulnerability in Childhood.

The project is focused on the question what makes a childhood shaped by poverty particularly vulnerable. The research interest aims to the questions if children are different effected by vulnerability and transgression than adults as well as how the spatial-structured conditions of the growing up of children have an influence on it.

The aim is also to reconstruct adult´s knowledge of the needs of children as well as the possible issues of transgression and sexual violence. These questions will form the bases for studying the everyday lives of children with its social practices and experiences in two districts in the city of Frankfurt am Main. The focus is on the whole educational and non-educational environment of children. In addition to the perspectives of children the interest is also oriented on the perceptions and experiences of adults. The whole data collection is separated in two terms and will be carried out on the basis of the qualitative methods of participant observations and individual interviews with all actors involved, the children, their parents, the professionals and volunteers.

Selected Publications

Andresen, S., & Fegter, S. (2011). Children growing up in poverty and their ideas on what constitutes a good life: Childhood studies in Germany. Child Indicators Research, 4(1), 1 – 19. doi:10.1007/s12187-010-9073-3

Andresen, S., & Heitmeyer, W. (2012). Zerstörerische Vorgänge: Missachtung und sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder und Jugendliche in Institutionen. Weinheim: Juventa.

Andresen, S., Meiland, S., Milanovic, D., & Blume, J. (2013). Erfahrungen und Erleben von Armut aus der Sicht von Kindern: „Ich würde meiner Familie was schenken und dafür sorgen, dass sie nicht so viel in Schwierigkeiten sind.“. Unsere Jugend, 65, 13–129.

Adaptive Education