Project SelKi
Test battery to measure self-regulation in kindergarten children
Self-regulation is an important prerequisite and a good predictor of later school performance, social-emotional development and mental health. However, there is no psychometrically validated test battery for measuring self-regulation in German-speaking countries. The aim of the project is therefore to develop, psychometrically test and standardise such a test battery.
Self-regulation is an important prerequisite and a good predictor of later school performance, social-emotional development and mental health. However, there is no psychometrically validated test battery for the German-speaking area that could be used to identify children at risk (Ulitzka, Daseking & Kerner also Koerner, 2022). The aim of the project is therefore to develop, psychometrically test and standardise such a test battery. A test battery of 6-12 tests will be created, with the entire battery taking approximately 60-120 minutes to complete. However, there will also be a short/screening version of 2-4 tests that will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. In addition, a parent and teacher questionnaire will be developed and standardised. The test battery and questionnaires will be standardised for children in kindergarten (not primary school) aged 3;0 to 6;5 years.
Selected publications
Ulitzka, B., Schmidt, H., Daseking, M., Karbach, J., Gawrilow, C. & Kerner auch Koerner, J. (2023). EF Touch – Testbatterie zur Erfassung der exekutiven Funktionen bei 3- bis 5-Jährigen. Diagnostica. Advance online publication.
Ulitzka, B., Daseking, M., & Kerner auch Koerner, J. (2022). Diagnostik der Selbstregulation im Kita-Alter – Eine Übersicht. Frühe Bildung, 11(4), 168–185.
Kerner auch Koerner, J., Gawrilow, C., & Daseking, M. (2022). Eine Längsschnittstudie zur Vorhersage von ADHS-Symptomen und Schulleistungen in der 1. Klasse durch exekutive Funktionen im Vorschulalter. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 31(3), 144–154.