
Adaptive Education

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Adaptive Education


The MaLeLiOS project aims to investigate how narratively designed mathematical learning situations encourage children to engage in mathematical conversations and thus enable them to listen and observe on the one hand and to talk about mathematics and mathematical activities on the other.

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Individual Development


Investigating emotional expectation and appraisal processes in children aged 8-12

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Individual Development


The research group aims to identify the causes of educational inequalities, analyse changes over time and identify the risks and opportunities of digitalization to reduce educational inequalities.

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Adaptive Education


The meRLe project explores ways to promote German reading skills using multilingual-sensitive reciprocal teaching in primary education.

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Individual Development


The project investigates the role of language and executive functions in cognitive and academic development of elementary school children. The focus is on the comparison of monolingual and bilingual children (especially children from immigrant families), who often differ in terms of their language abilities as well as their academic achievement.

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Individual Development

World Vision Children Study

What does it mean to grow up in Germany? In order to answer this question children as agents of their own lives are asked qualitatively and quantitatively about the main topics of child well-being, child poverty, and justice, as well as flight and migration.

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Adaptive Education


The research project aims at a better understanding of the persisting social inequality in children’s school success. The main focus is on socioeconomic differences in attitudes, beliefs, and practices of children, parents, and educators with regard to education and care in early and middle childhood.

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Adaptive Education

Children’s Worlds

An international study of material, social, and cultural conditions of a good life and opportunities of education and participation from children’s and youth’s point of view.

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Individual Development


The project investigates the effects of metacognitive executive function training in children from low socioeconomic backgrounds with an emphasis on transfer to academic abilities. Children are recruited in Germany and the UK to ensure greater generalizability. We focus on two age groups (4-6 vs. 8-10 years) to examine whether there is a developmentally sensitive period for cognitive training interventions.

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Attitudes and Actions of Parents and Professionals

The study examines from an educational and socio-scientific perspective the attitudes held by parents and educators at early childhood education and care (ECEC) facilities and primary schools, as well as their underlying beliefs and interactions. The focus is on processes found at the intersection of families and educational institutions that give rise to, reinforce or reduce educational inequalities.

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