
Adaptive Education

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Adaptive Education


The MatheMat project examines learners’ actions on comparable digital and analogue materials in order to reconstruct the mathematical interpretations underlying these actions. The question is what mathematical interpretations learners make of comparable digital and analogue mathematical situations and whether differences can be observed that are caused by the material. Based on the results of the project’s analyses, recommendations will be made for the use of digital and analogue materials in mathematical learning situations.

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Adaptive Education


LONDI is an online platform for the diagnosis and support of children with learning disabilities. The collaborative project LONDI 2 is investigating how the online platform can be used and evaluating this process. The aim is to disseminate the platform widely and enable its effective and sustainable use, particularly in primary schools, but also in therapy and by parents.

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The project focuses on the individual support of primary school children from different learning backgrounds and languages of origin by the professionals involved in all-day schooling, as well as on gaining insights into the effects of lesson design on the individual development of pupils.

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The INCLASS project is developing an application-oriented set of tools for the inclusion of autistic children: a training platform for teachers, a self-assessment tool for the (self-)evaluation of competences in teaching children on the autism spectrum and a smartphone app for the identification of individual barriers.

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Adaptive Education


The FLINK project is investigating a computer-based fluency training programme. Children in the middle and lower reading achievement range in grades 3 to 6 can complete up to 54 training units in one school year. The training is accompanied by regular progress diagnostics and can be completed largely independently.

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The FePrax project examines diagnostic assessment and counselling practices in the areas of learning, language, emotional-social development, intellectual development and autism in five German states.

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Adaptive Education


The project “EULe – Erfolgreich Unterrichten mit Lernverlaufsdiagnostik” aims to support 10 primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia in developing and implementing school-specific, data-based and adaptive support concepts based on learning progression diagnostics.

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Adaptive Education


The DigitLern project aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of (digital) distance learning and teaching during the coronavirus pandemic for children and young people with learning difficulties.

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Individual Development


The BAPAS project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a psychoanalytic therapy programme for multi-complex traumatised adopted and foster children (aged eight to eleven) and their adoptive or foster parents. As part of the extended network of these children, their teachers will also be involved in the intervention.

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Adaptive Education


The AppLeMat project aims to develop and evaluate a therapeutic, tablet-based application as an adjunct to learning therapy.

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