Individual Development
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Our aim is to investigate the developmental trajectories of cognitive and motor adaptation across childhood, adolescence, young adulthood and old age. We have developed a new task that has proven to be appropriate and sensitive for investigating developmental and individual differences within specific age groups. Our aim is to identify moderators, both cognitive and social, that may explain differences in cognitive and motor adaptability between individuals. This could improve our understanding of how to identify groups at risk of learning difficulties. The results of this study have the potential to motivate future research into interventions and prevention strategies aimed at facilitating the adaptation of individuals to their environment.

The RABE 2 project investigates the persistence and psychosocial consequences of learning difficulties in school from primary school to early adulthood. The study focuses on the risks and effects of learning difficulties, but also looks at the resources of those affected.

LONDI is an online platform for the diagnosis and support of children with learning disabilities. The collaborative project LONDI 2 is investigating how the online platform can be used and evaluating this process. The aim is to disseminate the platform widely and enable its effective and sustainable use, particularly in primary schools, but also in therapy and by parents.

The FLINK project is investigating a computer-based fluency training programme. Children in the middle and lower reading achievement range in grades 3 to 6 can complete up to 54 training units in one school year. The training is accompanied by regular progress diagnostics and can be completed largely independently.

The project “EULe – Erfolgreich Unterrichten mit Lernverlaufsdiagnostik” aims to support 10 primary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia in developing and implementing school-specific, data-based and adaptive support concepts based on learning progression diagnostics.

We use meta-analyses and systematic reviews to investigate the effectiveness and conditions for success of self-regulation training. The meta-analyses focus on different training features (e.g. use of learning diaries) or different target groups (e.g. learners with ADHD).

The EAGLeS project focuses on the acquisition of written language skills when learning English as a foreign language in Years 5 and 6. It will look for systematic differences between children with reading and/or spelling difficulties and those without. This will be followed by the development and validation of an English diagnostic procedure.

The DigitLern project aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of (digital) distance learning and teaching during the coronavirus pandemic for children and young people with learning difficulties.

Self-regulation refers to an individual’s ability to control his or her own thoughts, feelings and actions in a way that supports the pursuit of long-term goals. The characteristics of situations influence this ability and can therefore support or hinder self-regulation. The DeSign project investigated the interplay between the perceived quality of teaching during a lesson and changes in students’ self-regulation.

The AppLeMat project aims to develop and evaluate a therapeutic, tablet-based application as an adjunct to learning therapy.